of the 13th International Conference on „Psychogeriatry 2025. Current status” are an overview of current pathogenetic concepts and the possibilities of therapy for various diseases occurring in elderly. In addition, it evaluates support systems for seniors and outlines the trends in the development of modern psychogeriatrics for the coming years..
of the conference is to point to the dynamic development of psychogeriatry, interdisciplinary knowledge, which uses modern research tools and whose development, also in Poland in the context of an aging society, should be significantly noticeable. Congress will brings together experts from multiple disciplines in the fields of geriatric and mental healthcare from around the world and will enable the exchange of experiences.
are breaking the stereotypical way of thinking both in relation to psychogeriatry itself as well as in the process of solving current and anticipating future research problems, exchange of scientific experiences and dissemination of science in the international national environment. Participation in the conference of outstanding and recognized experts from Poland as well as from European and non-European countries guarantees a high substantive level of lectures presented. It will also facilitate the establishment of valuable professional contacts and international scientific cooperation.
aand the extremely high substantive level of the presented issues from the field of psychogeriatrics, covering both clinical problems and broadly understood neurobiology (e.g. immunogenetics, biochemistry or molecular biology), the participation of excellent lecturers representing prestigious scientific centers from Poland as well as from European and non-European countries (USA, Canada, Australia or Japan) will also allow for a multicultural view of psychogeriatrics.